David Kernot bio picture

    David Kernot lives in the mid-north of South Australia. He writes fantasy, science fiction, and horror and has over seventy short story publications throughout Australia, the US, Canada, and the UK. He released his first dark sci-fi indie novel, Gateway Through Time in 2020. It joins two novelettes and five collections of short fiction. More information can be found at his web page, http://www.davidkernot.com and his Amazon page, https://www.amazon.com/David-Kernot/e/B00CJJP82K

How amazing is this cover!

42 stories from 38 featured authors celebrating AntipodeanSF’s 25 years of publication and their 300th Issue. I’m thrilled to be in this, having around 42 publications of one sort or another in AntipodeanSF since 2007. Take a look at the list of author’s names, too. I am in some very great company! Well done to Nuke (Ion Newcombe ) for his tireless efforts, and the Team for 25 amazing years!

So, a short update on Project X: I’ve hit just over 26,000 words in the novella, and have a couple of paragraphs to finish this weekend before spending the next month polishing it, formatting it, working on the cover, and getting it out to people to read. Not long now. And yes, to answer the question, it is a very contemporary science fiction story.